Dermessentials By Judy

Call Now 408 802 4027

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Our Services


$100 (1 hr)

Anti-Aging Renewal Facial

Revitalize your skin and turn back the hands of time with our Anti-Aging Renewal Facial. This luxurious treatment targets fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness, leaving your complexion visibly smoother, firmer, and more youthful. Experience rejuvenation and radiance in just one hour.
$100 (1 hr)

Acne Purifying Facial

Say goodbye to breakouts and hello to clear, radiant skin with our Acne Purifying Facial. This comprehensive treatment targets blemishes, excess oil, and congestion, effectively purifying and balancing your complexion. Experience renewed confidence and a smoother, clearer complexion in just one hour.
$100 (1 hr)

Clarifying Detox Facial

Detoxify and rejuvenate your skin with our Clarifying Detox Facial. This deep-cleansing treatment targets impurities, toxins, and congestion, leaving your complexion refreshed, balanced, and glowing. Experience the ultimate in purification and renewal in just one hour.
$100 (1 hr)

Enzyme Brightening Facial

Illuminate your complexion with our Enzyme Brightening Facial. This rejuvenating treatment harnesses the power of enzymes to gently exfoliate and brighten the skin, diminishing dullness and discoloration. Experience a radiant, luminous glow and refreshed complexion in just one hour.
$100 (1 hr)

Hydrating Collagen Facial

Nourish and replenish your skin with our Hydrating Collagen Facial. This luxurious treatment infuses your skin with moisture and elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Experience a revitalized, dewy complexion and restored radiance in just one hour.
$120 (1 hr)

Hydrafacial with Stem Cell

Experience the ultimate in skincare innovation with our Hydrafacial featuring Stem Cell technology. This advanced treatment deeply cleanses, extracts, and hydrates the skin while harnessing the regenerative power of stem cells to promote cellular renewal and rejuvenation. Reveal a refreshed, youthful complexion and radiant glow in just one hour.

Firming Facial with 1 hr Dermaplaning

Elevate your skincare routine with our Firming Facial enhanced by 1 hour of Dermaplaning. This dynamic duo combines the benefits of a firming facial to tighten and rejuvenate the skin with the exfoliating power of dermaplaning to remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz, revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion. Experience lifted, revitalized skin and a youthful glow in just one session.
$100 (1 hr)

Teen Acne Facial

Empower your teen with confidence and clear skin with our specialized Teen Acne Facial. Tailored to address adolescent skincare needs, this treatment targets breakouts, excess oil, and congestion, promoting a clearer, healthier complexion. Give your teen the gift of self-assurance and a fresh-faced glow in just one hour.

Chemical Peels


Melasma/Pigment Control Peel

Combat hyperpigmentation and achieve a more even skin tone with our Melasma/Pigment Control Peel. This specialized peel targets melanin production and helps fade dark spots and discoloration caused by melasma, sun damage, or hormonal changes. Experience renewed confidence and a brighter complexion with this effective treatment.

Anti-Aging Renewal Peel

Turn back the clock on your skin with our Anti-Aging Renewal Peel. This potent peel targets fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven texture, promoting collagen production and cellular renewal for a smoother, more youthful complexion. Experience rejuvenated skin and a radiant glow with this transformative treatment.

Acne Purifying Peel

Say goodbye to stubborn breakouts with our Acne Purifying Peel. Formulated to target acne-causing bacteria and excess oil production, this peel helps to clear pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future blemishes. Experience clearer, healthier skin and renewed confidence with this purifying treatment.

Price to be Determined

Body Peel per Area

Revitalize your skin from head to toe with our Body Peel treatment, customized for each area. Whether targeting rough patches, discoloration, or uneven texture, our tailored approach ensures optimal results for every part of your body. Experience smoother, more radiant skin and renewed confidence with our specialized Body Peel treatments. Contact us for pricing details and to schedule your consultation.


$90 (1 hr)

Diamond Peel/Microdermabrasion

Reveal your skin’s natural brilliance with our Diamond Peel/Microdermabrasion treatment. This advanced exfoliation technique gently removes dead skin cells and impurities, promoting cell turnover and collagen production for a smoother, more radiant complexion. Experience the ultimate in skin rejuvenation and renewal in just one hour.

$120 (1 hr)

RF Non-Surgical Face Lift

Experience the power of radiofrequency technology with our RF Non-Surgical Face Lift. This innovative treatment tightens and tones the skin, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging for a lifted, youthful appearance. Enjoy immediate results and long-lasting benefits with this non-invasive, rejuvenating procedure.

$220 (2 hrs)

3-in-1 Facial

Indulge in the ultimate pampering experience with our 3-in-1 Facial. This comprehensive treatment combines three luxurious skincare techniques into one blissful session, including deep cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration. Rejuvenate your complexion, unwind your senses, and achieve radiant, glowing skin in just two hours of pure relaxation and indulgence.


CIT Collagen Induction Therapy

Revitalize your skin’s natural collagen production with our CIT Collagen Induction Therapy. This advanced treatment stimulates the body’s healing response, promoting firmer, smoother skin and reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. Experience renewed radiance and a youthful complexion with this rejuvenating procedure.

Price to be Determined

Speckles Removal

Bid farewell to unwanted speckles and achieve a more even skin tone with our Speckles Removal treatment. Using advanced technology and customized techniques, we target and reduce the appearance of pigmented spots, leaving your skin clear, radiant, and revitalized. Contact us for pricing details and to schedule your consultation.


PDT Light Therapy

Experience the healing power of PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) Light Therapy. This non-invasive treatment utilizes specific wavelengths of light to target acne, reduce inflammation, and rejuvenate the skin. Whether you’re seeking clearer skin, reduced redness, or improved texture, our customized PDT Light Therapy sessions can help you achieve your skincare goals. Contact us for pricing details and to schedule your personalized consultation.

$50 (30 minutes)

Red Light Therapy

Rejuvenate your skin and promote cellular renewal with our Red Light Therapy. This non-invasive treatment harnesses the power of red wavelengths to stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and improve overall skin tone and texture. Experience a radiant glow and youthful complexion in just 30 minutes of soothing, revitalizing therapy.

$50 (30 minutes)

Blue Light Therapy

Combat acne and blemishes with our Blue Light Therapy. This gentle yet effective treatment targets acne-causing bacteria deep within the pores, reducing inflammation and promoting clearer, healthier skin. Experience the benefits of blue wavelengths in just 30 minutes of soothing therapy, leaving your skin refreshed and revitalized.

$50 (30 minutes)

Green Light Therapy for Inflammation & Redness

Alleviate inflammation and reduce redness with our Green Light Therapy. Specifically targeting areas prone to sensitivity and irritation, this gentle treatment helps to calm the skin and promote a more balanced complexion. Experience soothing relief and a refreshed appearance in just 30 minutes of calming therapy.